Monday, 18 February 2013

Aggressive pacifism.

Do you have a child? I do. It's tough. Very tough. If you have a child you are well aware of that fact. If you don't have a child, well, I am sure you can empathise. There are lots of difficult areas in life with a child. Restaurants are tough. So are aeroplanes. But we don't go to restaurants or fly on aeroplanes every day. Or week. Or month maybe.

One thing we do go to every week, is the supermarket. Supermarkets are fun. Well. Not really. But one thing that makes them a tiny bit more easier, is the parent and child parking. Nice and close to the door. Very useful for when it is cold and raining. Like winter. Some people find it easier to park there even when they don't have a child. They may have had a child a few decades ago, or they've left their child at home in an oven. However they feel the need to park close to the store for some reason. Laziness probably. Which makes people with genuine alive and present children unable to park in theit own designated spaces.

If you are one of those people, I'm going to passive aggressive your arse off with my vituperative funny looks. *looks*

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