Thursday, 14 February 2013

On Beards

I watched some of the Baftas last night. Not in an “interested in the Baftas” sort of way as I am immune to that type of celebratory circle jerk, but more in the “wife heard George Clooney had a beard and wanted to watch it and also had the remote control” sort of way. And I, being wedged and cemented into the sofa, was forced to watch some of it. FORCED. So anyway, I asked my wife what the deal was about beards. “Oh,” she said. “Some men look good with beards and some don’t…but you look lovely with no beard…ahem.” As it happens, quite a few leading men had beards at the Baftas and suddenly I realised that having a beard is now a cool thing and once again, I am behind the curve. I want a beard. But I can’t be arsed to grow one. They are itchy, require more fussing than properly shaving to make them look neat and tidy, and make you look old. But apparently ‘bitches dig beards’. Looking at some random twitter profiles (and mentioning no handles) it seemed that this was confirmed by the number of beard fanciers there were out there.

 A famous leading man at the Baftas last night

I used to have a beard. A few years ago. But after about two months I just got bored of it. The novelty wore off. And when you have a beard you seem to run into mostly people that are disapproving of beards. I have yet to think of an appropriate name for the law for that particular phenomenon. Of course, beards are very natural and I am surprised that there aren’t more in the wild. Looking around my office there is one guy who kind of has a beard but it is not quite there. The rest of the men polled (and one unfortunate women who is capable) have never even had beards! In their entire life! When I don’t have to go to work (so either weekends or holiday) then I never shave and I get a heavy stubble thing going on which my wife loathes and badgers me to shave it off but what if I went the whole hog and just kept going AND NEVER STOPPED GROWING?

Watch this hairy space.

No, not that one. 

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