Tuesday, 5 March 2013
Blind as a Bat
Monday, 4 March 2013
Come on Olly
Sunday, 3 March 2013
Print is Dead
Saturday, 2 March 2013
Cereal Killer
Thursday, 28 February 2013
Eastleigh Waldo Moment
Tuesday, 26 February 2013
Sony Game Change
Sunday, 24 February 2013
Food Stamps y'all
Saturday, 23 February 2013
Mad George 2: Beyond Moodydome
Friday, 22 February 2013
PS4 - First Look
Tuesday, 19 February 2013
Legalise #
Monday, 18 February 2013
Aggressive pacifism.
Do you have a child? I do. It's tough. Very tough. If you have a child you are well aware of that fact. If you don't have a child, well, I am sure you can empathise. There are lots of difficult areas in life with a child. Restaurants are tough. So are aeroplanes. But we don't go to restaurants or fly on aeroplanes every day. Or week. Or month maybe.
One thing we do go to every week, is the supermarket. Supermarkets are fun. Well. Not really. But one thing that makes them a tiny bit more easier, is the parent and child parking. Nice and close to the door. Very useful for when it is cold and raining. Like winter. Some people find it easier to park there even when they don't have a child. They may have had a child a few decades ago, or they've left their child at home in an oven. However they feel the need to park close to the store for some reason. Laziness probably. Which makes people with genuine alive and present children unable to park in theit own designated spaces.
If you are one of those people, I'm going to passive aggressive your arse off with my vituperative funny looks. *looks*
Sunday, 17 February 2013
The End of the Frozen Food Revolution
Saturday, 16 February 2013
Aliens: Colonial Marines Review
Friday, 15 February 2013
The Death Knell of Microsoft Office
Thursday, 14 February 2013
On Beards
Sword and Gun Day
Wednesday, 13 February 2013
They Workfare for you
Tuesday, 12 February 2013
Black Mirror Review
Sunday, 10 February 2013
An Everest a Week
Saturday, 9 February 2013
Swill or Swallow? Andrex wants to know.
Friday, 8 February 2013
The Politics of Self-Determination
Processed meat - Feeling Lucky?
Thursday, 7 February 2013
Beyonce and the Streisand Effect
According to the Third Immutable Natural Law Of Beyoncé, there is no better photo of Beyoncé than the photo of Beyoncé you are viewing, because at that moment, it is the best of all possible Beyoncé photos, This is one of the great Mysteries of Beyoncé.
I just find it funny that Beyonce's PR person asked for unflattering pictures to be taken off the internet. Come on.
Micro-mistakes (CTRL-ALT- FU)
Wednesday, 6 February 2013
Do you Facebook? Yes? Recently?
Tuesday, 5 February 2013
Las Malvinas Son Argentinas
Monday, 4 February 2013
Huhng Himself out to Dry
I actually don't think the original offence is that bad. Hell, I've paid the fine when I was a kid and my mum picked up the points. But had I been called out on it I would have stood tall. Huhn's lying, inveigling, and obfuscation since the affair went public has on balance been the worse crime. The Libdems will unfairly now be tarnished (one could argue how much more bare metal to tarnish is left) by this affair by association.
MP's Pay
2) Pay them based on % of eligible voters they gained a mandate from. Those gaining 90% can have 86K while those having the smallest of mandates get minimum wage. It will create an incentive to stop running politics on a minority of seats and encourage them to find ways of appealing to those who do not currently vote.
Sunday, 3 February 2013
State of Play and Future
Firstly, a little history about my own political views.
I will be honest, I voted Conservative at the last one. Partly as I considered myself basically of that ilk, and also I loathed Labour and what they have done to the country in their spell of oppression that I had to vote Tory. I didn't always dislike Labour, however. Had I been old enough in 1997 then I would have voted for them as it was time for a change. Just like it was time for a change in 2010. I didn't like some of the Conservative party leanings however with luck they will be tempered by the Libdems whom I have admired on a number of key issues. I suppose I am a fiscally conservative social democrat with libertarian leanings.
Well. Halfway through the Coalition term, and I don't want any of them to be in power.
The Conservatives have run rough-shod over everything that is decent. Worse, they have done it in a shambolic manner with U-turns and cock ups all the way. I actually don't think they even realise some of the social damage they have caused either accidentally or on purpose. Osborne is not only a joke but is a dangerous joke. He has literally no idea about what is going on other than what focus groups tell him. It says a lot about a party when you have people like Michael Gove feted as a wunderkind. Luckily, the frothing right wingers will have torn the party apart by the time of the next election.
The Libdems are like irradiated Sellafield lambs from the 1980s. They will be obliterated in the next election barring some sort of psephological miracle.
Labour are currently so on the fence about everything that the slightest breeze would see them sailing over the horizon. Obviously the wrong Miliband leads them and the most odious man in politics is in charge of their financial policies. I think most people still (rightly) blame them for poor policies in the 2000s that has vastly contributed to the current state of the economy although the Tories have cocked it up even more. But I think that Labour will sleepwalk into victory in the next election.
So what do we collectively do as a nation?
There is a lot of disaffected and effectively disenfranchise people out there now. It is not quite as bad as the totally two tier partisanship of the US but we certainly don't have the same enthusiasm for our 'teams' over here. Maybe we should set up a new party?
Saturday, 2 February 2013
Oh it appears as though the mobile version works as well. That's good to know.
RIM Shots
The thing that interests me today I guess is the reception that the new BlackBerry phone has got. It has been delayed by a good 18 months, but RIM (sorry, sorry, blackberry now) have done what looks like a decent job and have got developers on board (ok, bribed 'em) but the result is the same. The critics have been cautiously positive and so have the members of the public that have had a go on the phones. So what is the end result? "Very good, but not very good enough" which is to paraphrase the tech media's view. This is a crying shame for several reasons. Firstly, blackberry have won hearts and minds of millions of people for decades and have finally brought out a decent modern product. Secondly, they have worked damn hard and taken body blows to achieve this (gotten rid of their idiot twin CEOs, delayed against public pressure, mucked up the PlayBook launch). Thirdly, they have gone their own way in terms of OS development. Sure they have taken cues from other OS makers (WebOs anyway) but have basically done their own thing. They didn't go down the incestuous tit for tat Android/iOS feature steal.
So what's my point? There is room for another player, blackberry are not down and out and they cut still cut Micronokia a new one despite the resources that Microsoft have.